Monday, February 6, 2012



Anonymous said...

I loved this Sarah!!! made me giggle. I'm sure you were working an edge for some people witnessing your antics. Bravo for you celebrating your own uniqueness, weirdness, or as the course in miracles says "insanity"


Anonymous said...

Mischievous Sarah! - love it. Especially the inadvertent cameos.

Whose song is that?

sister Sue

LaurieCoyote said...

Oh geez, I loved it! Weird excellence, Sarah!

I saw you leaving Sobeys last week and I noticed you were in a hurry! :))

p.s. Did you buy a turnip?

leaf said...

Makes me aware of how mediocre and insane life is 'out there'. You on the other hand were a refreshing light! Lets all live fully courageously and on the edge!
Mama Star