Saturday, April 10, 2010

Swing and Smash

I see you in your goofiness
and today it does not delight me -
but repulses me.

Which is it you want me to be?
Your mother or your lover?
Your lover or your mother?

It struck me the first time I saw
you eat at the table
fork and knife poised skyward,
elbows raised for efficiency...
I saw you dive in
like a pubescent boy
slurping, sucking, gnawing, chawing.

Is this the way you enter me
with your rod, your tool?
With no finesse, nor grace -
but with ravenous appetite?

I spit on your boots
and push you to the ground.
I goad you with a stick.
Hovering over you
until you release yourself
from your own prison
of Mother-hating boy.

Go there, be there,
remember that painful place
and you will be free
from creating a life
which is made of running away,
being cool,
playing the good boy,
the trustable one.

I dare you to do something foolish,
truly irresponsible for you.

Swing and smash
yourself awake.
Be free,
my brother.

Sarah Priestess
March 26, 2010

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