Saturday, April 10, 2010

Swing and Smash

I see you in your goofiness
and today it does not delight me -
but repulses me.

Which is it you want me to be?
Your mother or your lover?
Your lover or your mother?

It struck me the first time I saw
you eat at the table
fork and knife poised skyward,
elbows raised for efficiency...
I saw you dive in
like a pubescent boy
slurping, sucking, gnawing, chawing.

Is this the way you enter me
with your rod, your tool?
With no finesse, nor grace -
but with ravenous appetite?

I spit on your boots
and push you to the ground.
I goad you with a stick.
Hovering over you
until you release yourself
from your own prison
of Mother-hating boy.

Go there, be there,
remember that painful place
and you will be free
from creating a life
which is made of running away,
being cool,
playing the good boy,
the trustable one.

I dare you to do something foolish,
truly irresponsible for you.

Swing and smash
yourself awake.
Be free,
my brother.

Sarah Priestess
March 26, 2010

Temple Burger

Return to the Temple

What does this chocolate-eyed, big-hearted man do, inviting the Goddesses into silence to consider these questions?

Shall I dare tell him that the Way for me is not through deep contemplation, but rather by leaving
the man in the dark cave to ponder these ideas himself...

...whilst we go on hands and knees touching roots and mosses, sniffing and snorting the Wild Earth pungency
...plunging into river madness, screaming to the mountain-tops our joyous craziness.

I sit and watch my Goddess deny her Nature - hold her Breath, leaning back in her seat, not swallowing; eyes squinting and straining, cringing and grimacing, forcing a 'restfulness' making herself the steady one - which was never God's design.


She is the wild one and must be witnessed in all her raving madness - tripping and falling, hair flying, pelvis writhing, screaming and exalting like the wildest thunderstorm.


"Are thunderstorms dangerous?" you ask.

Do you know the most beautiful freshness in the air that comes only after a lightning storm?

I invite you to Breathe that in Sisters and Brothers!

Go ahead.

Within that is both the answer and the question.

And we focus so much on the danger of the Lightning storm and the potential of the towering tree being incinerated to the ground leaving nothing but a piece of smouldering charcoal on the Earth.

I am as wise and open as the towering tree. I am as humble and reduced as the piece of charcoal.

I return to the temple to dance before the men and await to hear their deep ponderings from the cave.

Sarah Priestess
December, 2009

Dreaming Dragon Girl

Dreaming dragon girl
clouds and hills and icy snow
riding on the winds, we go
Shape our dreams
Shine our beams
Warm us by your fiery glow
Only those who dream will know
Dreaming dragon girl

by Sarah Priestess
March 2, 2010
inspired by Grace on Jake's drumlin

Sip and Pray

Sit here
and drink
this healing elixir
I have made for you.
Sipping slowly
the healing love
Mother Earth
has provided.
Green gold
Earth sun
Pour some more
Hold the cup
in vessel hands
Prayers for you
eyes closed
sipping down
the healing Queen
the dreaming dream
the golden green
the golden green
the golden green
the Grandmother's drink
they sip and pray
sip and pray
their life away
wild children play
the sweet medicine
of old
sweet medicine
of old
Take this cup
the elixir made
for you this day
sip and pray
your life away
a golden green
a dreaming Queen
sweetness made
this day

by Sarah Priestess
March 9, 2010